Tech details
- name of product consists full spec (Michelin Energy Saver 196\60 R15 87W), photo, description,
- imported in categories : tyre brand\model, car type, season, SUV subtype
- imported in attributes (for filtering): tyre brand, car type, season, SUV subtype (yes, duplicate - it's for WP)
- imported in meta : sizes and full spec (196\60 R15 87W) as several formats, etc
Additional custom fields
- meta:season (we use Winter\Summer\All season), meta:tyre_brand,
- meta:tyre_spec (full: 196\60 R15 87W),
- separated custom fields (for filtering) meta:width, meta:profile, meta:diameter,
meta:load_index (numbers: 87, for users we use our Tyre Custom Metadata plugin for human-readable form),
meta:speed_index(letter or two: W, for users we use our Tyre Custom Metadata plugin for human-readable form)
- meta:stud (Studded, No)
- meta:runflat (On/Off)
- meta:xl (On/Off)
- meta:c_flag (On/Off)
Additional fields, we have this data, but will imported it in later versions (or by request)
- meta:car_type ( Passenger, SUV, Commercial, Truck, Moto, OTR )
- meta:suv_type ( A/T (All Terrain), M/T (Mud Terrain), H/T (Half Terrain), HP (High Performance SUV) )
- meta:green (Green, No)
Simple import tutorial
Woo import is not fast, so this steps just for faster working with photos
1. Prepare images. Unpack and upload archive of tyre photos on your site. Your photos should be accessed by url.
Since files in archive use [vendor]/[tyre model]/photo... naming, you (and woo importer) should have access to
http|[vendor]/[tyre model]/photo URL.
2. Prepare csv. Edit Woo import CSV in any tool (excel, text editor) and replace our CDN URL to URL path to folder with
uploaded images http|
So, in your CSV should be valid and accessible URLs.
3. Open WP Admin, Products > All Products, Import (at right of page title).
Import CSV file. All settings by default.
Or, for simplified import with our CDN
Just import the file via WP Admin > Products > All Products > Import (at right of page title)
Import notes
- you can import tyres without images, just pass 1&2 steps. It needs to assign photos to products.
- after set CSV you should see fields, that will assigned after import: product name, metas etc
- we prepare file for standard Woo import, not importer plugins
- WP\Woo standard import is very slow, so your server should be set up for execution of slow scripts.
Maybe it will need to separate CSV file to several parts.